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Launch of Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard

Launch of Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard

Australia has a new clinical care standard for low back pain, a condition which affects one in six Australians and is a leading cause of lost work productivity and early retirement.

Developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard recommends active approaches and individualised care to support the millions of Australians with low back pain.

The new standard provides a road map for healthcare practitioners to help patients manage low back pain episodes early and reduce their chance of ongoing problems.

FlexEze supports the release of the new standard and welcomes the recommendation of Heat Wraps in combination with physical activity as a first-line treatment for low back pain.

Most people will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Back problems are one of the most common reasons Australians visit their GP or present to the emergency department.

While back pain can sometimes have a serious cause, the vast majority of people can improve their pain with simple measures. Interventions such as imaging and high-risk medicines can usually be avoided.

The Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard will improve the early assessment and management of patients with low back pain, so that people receive the most appropriate treatment for their individual circumstances.

Recommendations include Heat Wraps and physical activity. Continuous level-low heat wrap therapy is the most researched and evidence-based form of heat delivery.

The main advantage of Heat Wraps is that they allow you to stay active and promote movement due to their lightweight and flexible design. The convenience to remove and reapply when required without disrupting heat production is a further advantage of Heat Wraps. 

FlexEze Heat Wraps deliver a low level of continuous heat for up to 12 hours which differentiates from other heat delivery such as wheat bags which are high temperatures for a shorter time and require constant reheating. Unlike Heat Wraps, these are not practical to use without sitting or lying, which the guideline evidence recommends against.

FlexEze Heat Wraps combine evidence-based low-level continuous heat and movement to promote faster recovery from low back pain as recommended in the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard.

To find out more about the standard, view the expert panel discussion and download resources, visit:

Are you a Health Professional interested in FlexEze Heat Wraps?

Get in touch with us today to arrange for a Free FlexEze Sample Pack.